Friday 26 August 2011

Pastel Positano

I'm dreaming of summer and of Italy. Together.  Maybe it's because my calendar keeps reminding me each time I check a date...

Source: Calendar image by Alfredo Lalia, 1951

or the painting of Positano in my hallway which keeps calling out to me?

Above: Painting by Artist Tracey Creighton " Gelato shades of Positano"

So I'm off to Positano (still dreaming) and you can come with me! First a little about the place. Positano is a village situated on the Amalfi Coast, Italy just south of Naples. It belongs to Italy's Campagnia region.  Under the Republic of Amalfi, in the 16th and 17th centuries, Positano was a wealthy seaport. In the early 20th Century, the town fell on hard times, existing as a small fishing village, but was later then revitalised by artists and writers who moved there in the 1950's. Now of course tourism is Positano's main industry. 

Above: Positano gleaming at night


The main beach at Positano: those mediterranean colours of citrus orange and azure blue


Above: Dreamy views: Looking out from a balcony at Hotel Salerno

Positano is like a great, tiered cake; it's pastel-coloured terraces, stacked in layers are built vertically into the cliffs, providing dramatic coastal views. It's a pedestrian town with one main road, Via Pasitea, which winds it's way from the top down through each layer to the beach below, and then back around the other side of the cliff and back up again to the top. Be warned, Positano is steep with lots of stairs and laneways to navigate, so you will need some quality, flat sandals, which is fine as Positano is famous for it's custom-made shoes.

Sandals any way you like them...


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